Hole: 1 Leg:  1 Location: Sigsbee Abyssal Plain (Gulf of Mexico) 
DLIS File:   1_1_1.dlis        (LDEO Inv. # 147)  Data recorded by Schlumberger. Digitized in 2004.
Logs File Name Start Depth Stop Depth Direction Run Type Comments
EL el 2962 3590 UP
GGD ggd 2960 3597.5 UP
GNT gnt(gr) 2780 3587 UP Recorded  through BHA and drill pipe.
GNT gnt(neutron) 2780 3587 UP Recorded  through BHA and drill pipe.
Hole: 3 Leg:  1 Location: Sigsbee Abyssal Plain (Gulf of Mexico) 
DLIS File:   3_1_1.dlis        (LDEO Inv. # 148)  Data recorded by Schlumberger. Digitized in 2004.
Logs File Name Start Depth Stop Depth Direction Run Type Comments
EL el 3927 4234 UP