Chevron Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP Drilling Program
LWD Sonic Waveforms

Drilling contractor: Chevron

Logging contractor: Schlumberger

Hole: AC21-B

Expedition: JIP2

Location: Alaminos Canyon 21

Latitude: 26° 56' 39.1900" N

Longitude: 94° 53' 35.6216" W

Sea floor depth (step in GR log): 4934 ftbrf

Sea floor depth (drillers'): 4934 ftbrf

Total penetration:  6050 ftbrf


Remarks about the recording: none.


Acoustic data were recorded by Schlumberger in DLIS format. Each of the four waveforms consists of 151 samples, at depth intervals of 2 and 6 inches. The original data in DLIS format is first loaded on a Sun system using GeoFrame software. The waveform data files are then converted into ASCII and finally binary format.

Each line of the binary files is composed of the entire waveform set recorded at each depth, preceded by the depth (multiplied by 10 to be stored as an integer). In the general case of 4 waveforms with 151 samples per waveform, this corresponds to 1 + 4x151 = 605 columns. In this hole, the specifications of the files are:

Number of columns: 605

Number of rows: (2-in data)

Number of rows:   (6-in data)


All values are stored as 'signed short integers' (= 16 bits signed).

Each file can be viewed directly as an image with Spyglass transform or NIH image on MAcs and PCs, or Fortner transform or Khoros on UNIX) - where it has to be opened as either 'raw' or 'binary matrix'. Any image or signal-processing package should also allow viewing it.


The following files have been loaded:


AC21-B_2in.bin: -14 to 954 ftbsf

AC21-B_6in.bin: -14 to 954 ftbsf


The binary files have been depth-shifted to the sea floor (-4934 ft).

NOTE: For users interested in reading and converting the data to a format more suitable for their own purpose, the fortran declaration used to open the file *.bin would be:


open (1, file = *.bin,access = 'direct', recl = 2*(1+nwav*nsamples))


where nwav is the number of waveforms (4 or 8) and nsamples the number of samples per waveforms (see above).

If the total number of depths where waveforms have been recorded is ndepth (for a 150 m interval with data every 15cm, ndepth would be 1000), a generic loop to read the data would be


do k = 1, ndepth


read(1, rec=k) iz, (data(i), i = 1, nwav*nsamples)





In such a case, the file dimensions will be ndepth rows by nwav*nsamples+1 columns


For further questions about the logs, please contact:


Cristina Broglia

Phone: 845-365-8343

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Crisitna Broglia


Tanzhuo Liu

Phone: 845-365-8630

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Tanzhuo Liu