ADN | adnVision |
ARC | arcVision |
GVR | geoVision |
MWD | Measurement While Drilling-Power Pulse |
SONIC | sonicVision |
SVWD | seismicVision While Drilling |
AFR | Azimuthal Focused Resistivity |
AGR | Azimuthal Gamma Ray |
DGR | Dual Gamma Ray |
EWR-P4 | Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Tool-Phase 4 |
EWR-M5 | Electromagnetic Integrated Resistivity-5 Spacings |
PWD | Pressure-While-Drilling Service |
XBAT | Azimuthal Sonic and Ultrasonic LWD Service |
CCL | Casing Collar Locator |
CMR | Combinable Magnetic Resonance Tool |
EDTC | Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge |
EMS | Environment Measurement Sonde |
FMI | Fullbore Formation MicroImager |
GPIT | General Purpose Inclinometry Tool |
HGNS | Highly Integrated Gamma Ray-Neutron Sonde |
HNGS | Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Sonde |
HRLA | High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool |
MAST | Multimode Array Sonic Service Tool (MAXS-MAPC) |
MCFL | Micro Cylindrically Focused Log |
MDT | Modular Formation Dynamic Tester |
PPC | Power Positioning Device and Caliper Tool |
TLD | Three Detector Lithology Density Tool |
VSI | Versatile Seismic Imager |
DRF | Drilling depth below rig floor (m DRF) |
DRT | Drilling depth below rotary table (m BRT) |
DSF | Drilling depth below sea floor (m DSF) |
WRF | Wireline log depth below rig floor (m WRF) |
WSF | Wireline log depth below sea floor (m WSF) |
WMSF | Wireline log matched depth below sea floor (m WMSF) |
WSSF | Wireline log speed-corrected depth below sea floor (m WSSF) |
LRF | LWD depth below rig floor (m LRF) |
LSF | LWD depth below sea floor (m LSF) |
CSF | Core depth below rig floor (m CSF) |
CCSF | Core composite depth below sea floor (m CCSF) |
MSL | Mud depth below sea level (m MSL) |
SSF | Seismic depth scale (m SSF) |
ADIA | ADN Average Hole Diameter (in) |
A16B | ARC Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22B | ARC Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28B | ARC Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34B | ARC Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40B | ARC Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
A16H | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22H | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28H | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34H | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40H | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
A16L | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22L | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28L | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34L | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40L | ARC Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
AGTM | ARC Gamma Ray Time After Bit (s) |
APRS | ARC Real Time Annular Pressure (psi) |
ARTM | ARC Resistivity Time After Bit (s) |
ATMP | ARC Annular Temperature (degC) |
B1TM | GVR Shallow Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
B2TM | GVR Medium Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
B3TM | GVR Deep Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
BDAV | GVR Deep Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
BMAV | GVR Medium Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
BSAV | GVR Shallow Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
CALE | Borehole Diameter from Electrical Caliper (in) |
CC15 | ADN Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 1 and 5 (in) |
CC26 | ADN Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 2 and 6 (in) |
CC37 | ADN Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 3 and 7 (in) |
CC48 | ADN Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 4 and 8 (in) |
DCAV | Caliper, Averaged (in) |
DHAP | Downhole Annulus Pressure (psi) |
DHAT | Downhole Annulus Temperature (°C) |
DRHO | ADN Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3) |
DTCO* | Compressional Slowness (μs/ft) |
DTOR | Downhole Torque (kN.m) |
DTSH* | Shear Slowness (μs/ft) |
DWOB | Downhole Weight on Bit (1000_kgf) |
ECD* | Equivalent Circulating Density (lb/gal) |
GR | ARC/GVR Gamma Ray (API Units) |
HD* | Hole Diameter (in) |
IDDR | ADN Image-Derived Density Correction (g/cm3). |
IDPE | ADN Image-Derived Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
IDRO | ADN Image-Derived Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
P16B | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
P22B | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
P28B | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
P34B | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
P40B | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
P16H | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in (Ω.m) |
P22H | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 22 in (Ω.m) |
P28H | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 28 in (Ω.m) |
P34H | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 34 in (Ω.m) |
P40H | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in (Ω.m) |
P16L | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 16 in (Ω.m) |
P22L | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 22 in (Ω.m) |
P28L | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 28 in (Ω.m) |
P34L | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 34 in (Ω.m) |
P40L | ARC Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 40 in (Ω.m) |
PEF | ADN Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
RBIT | GVR Bit Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RBTM | GVR Resistivity Time After Bit (s) |
RES_BD | Deep Button Resistivity |
RES_BIT | Bit Resistivity |
RES_BM | Medium Button Resistivity |
RES_BS | Shallow Button Resistivity |
RES_BX | eXtra Deep Button Resistivity |
RES_TRD | Resistivity Toroidal Receiver Deep |
RES_TRX | Resistivity Toroidal Receiver eXtra Deep |
RING | GVR Ring Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RHOB | ADN Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
RM | Recorded Mode |
ROP5 | Rate of Penetration, average over last 5 ft (m/hr) |
RPM | Tool Rotation Speed (rpm) |
RT | Real Time Mode |
RTIM | GVR Ring Resistivity Time after Bit (hr) |
SPPA | Stand Pipe Pressure |
SWOB | Surface Weight On Bit |
TAB_DEN | ARC Density Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_NEU | ARC Neutron Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_RES_BD | Deep Button Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_RES_BIT | Bit Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_RES_BM | Medium Button Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_RES_BS | Shallow Button Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_RES_RING | Ring Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
TEMP | Borehole Temperature (C) |
TFLO | Total flow rate of all active pumps |
TNPH | ARC Thermal Neutron Porosity (%) |
TQA | Surface Torque |
VCO | Compressional Velocity (computed from DTCO; km/s) |
VSH | Shear Velocity (km/s) |
ABR | AFR Resistivity at-the-bit (Ω.m) |
AFRDC | AFR Deep Resistivity, Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
AFRSC | AFR Shallow Resistivity, Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) (Ω.m) |
AFXT | AFR Formation Exposure Time (s) |
AGRCC | AGR Combined Gamma Ray, Borehole Corrected (API units) |
AGTEMP | AGR Temperature (degC) |
AGXT | AGR Formation Exposure Time (s) |
DGRCC | DGR Combined Gamma Ray, Borehole Corrected (API units) |
EWTEMP | EWR-P4 Temperature (degC) |
M5TEMP | EWR-M5 Temperature (degC) |
M5XT | EWR-M5 Formation Exposure Time (s) |
PWEA | PWD Annular Ellipse Mud Weight (lb/gal) |
PWPA | PWD Annular Pressure (psi) |
ROPA | Average Rate of Penetration (m/hr) |
R09AC | EWR-P4 Attenuation Resistivity, 9 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R15AC | EWR-P4 Attenuation Resistivity, 15 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R27AC | EWR-P4 Attenuation Resistivity, 27 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R39AC | EWR-P4 Attenuation Resistivity, 39 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R09PC | EWR-P4 Phase Resistivity, 9 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R15PC | EWR-P4 Phase Resistivity, 15 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R27PC | EWR-P4 Phase Resistivity, 27 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
R39PC | EWR-P4 Phase Resistivity, 39 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH16AC | EWR-M5 Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH24AC | EWR-M5 Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 24 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH32AC | EWR-M5 Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 32 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH40AC | EWR-M5 Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH48AC | EWR-M5 Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 48 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH16PC | EWR-M5 Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH24PC | EWR-M5 Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 24 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH32PC | EWR-M5 Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 32 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH40PC | EWR-M5 Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
RH48PC | EWR-M5 Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 48 in., Borehole Corrected (Ω.m) |
VELP | Compressional Velocity (computed from XBCS; km/s) |
VELS | Shear Velocity (computed from XRSS; km/s) |
XBCS | XBAT Compressional Slowness (μs/ft) |
XBEDA | XCAL Ellipse Average Diameter (in) |
XBEDN | XCAL Minimum Ellipse Diameter (in) |
XBEDX | XCAL Maximum Ellipse Diameter (in) |
XRSS | XBAT Shear Slowness (μs/ft) |
AX | GPIT Acceleration X Axis (m/s2) |
AY | GPIT Acceleration Y Axis (m/s2) |
AZ | GPIT Acceleration Z Axis (m/s2) |
AZIM | GPIT Constant Azimuth for Deviation Correction (deg) |
C1 | FMI Caliper 1 (in) |
C2 | FMI Caliper 2 (in) |
CFTC | HGNS Far Thermal Count Rate (cps) |
CMFF | CMR Free Fluid (%) |
CMRP_3MS | CMR Porosity with T2 Value > 3 ms (%) |
CNTC | HGNS Near Thermal Count Rate (cps) |
CS | Cable Speed (m/hr) |
DEVI | Hole Deviation (degrees) |
DF | Drilling Force (lbf) |
DSOZ | TLD Standoff (in) |
DT1 | Shear Slowness - Lower Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT2 | Shear Slowness - Upper Dipole (μs/ft) |
DTCO | Compressional Slowness (μs/ft) |
ECGR | EDTC Environmentally Corrected Gamma Ray (API units) |
EHGR | EDTC Environmentally Corrected High Resolution Gamma Ray (API units) |
ETIM | Elapsed Time (sec) |
FINC | GPIT Magnetic Field Inclination (degrees) |
FNOR | GPIT Magnetic Field Total Moment (oersted) |
FX | GPIT Magnetic Field on X Axis (oersted) |
FY | GPIT Magnetic Field on Y Axis (oersted) |
FZ | GPIT Magnetic Field on Z Axis (oersted) |
GR | EDTC Gamma Ray (API units) |
HAZI | GPIT Hole Azimuth (degrees) |
HBHK | HNGS Borehole Potassium (%) |
HCAL | TLD Caliper Calibrated (in) |
HCGR | HNGS Computed Gamma Ray (API units) |
HD1 | EMS Hole Diameter 1 (in) |
HD2 | EMS Hole Diameter 2 (in) |
HD3 | EMS Hole Diameter 3 (in) |
HDRA | TLD Spine and Ribs Density Correction (g/cm3) |
HCFT | HGNS High Res. Far Detector Counts (cps) |
HCNT | HGNS High Res. Near Detector Counts (cps) |
HFK | HNGS Formation Potassium (%) |
HNPO | HGNS High Res. Enhanced Thetrmal Neutron Porosity (%) |
HPRA | TLD Formation Photoelectric Factor Correction (barns/e-) |
HGR | EDTC High Resolution Gamma Ray (API units) |
HSGR | HNGS Standard (total) Gamma Ray (API units) |
HTHO | HNGS Thorium (ppm) |
HTNP | HGNS High Res. Thetrmal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method; %) |
HURA | HNGS Uranium (ppm) |
KSDR | CMR SDR Peremability (mD) |
KTIM | CMR Permeability (mD) |
NPHI | HGNS Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology (%) |
NPOR | HGNS Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity (%) |
P1AZ | GPIT Pad 1 Azimuth (degrees) |
PEFZ | TLD Formation Photoelectric Factor (barns/e-) |
RB | FMI Pad 1 Relative Bearing (degrees) |
RHOZ | TLD Formation Density (g/cm3) |
RLA1 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1 (Ω.m) |
RLA2 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2 (Ω.m) |
RLA3 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3 (Ω.m) |
RLA4 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4 (Ω.m) |
RLA5 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5 (Ω.m) |
RM_HRLT | HRLA Computed Mud Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RT_HRLT | HRLA True Formation Resistivity (Ω.m) |
TCMR | CMR Porosity (%) |
TENS | Tension (lb) |
TNPH | HGNS Thetrmal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method; %) |
TNRA | HGNS Thermal Neutron Ratio |
TNPH | HGNS Thetrmal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method; %) |
TNRA | HGNS Thermal Neutron Ratio |
T2LM | CMR Logarithmic Mean (ms) |
VELP | Compressional Velocity (rocessed from SonicScanner waveforms; km/s) |
VELS | Shear Velocity (computed from SonicScanner waveforms; km/s) |
VLST | Stoneley Velocity (computed from SonicScanner waveforms; km/s) |
Any missing SLB acronyms could be found at SLB's Curve Mnemonic Dictionary |