Standard Data Processing


IODP logging contractor: CDEX-JAMSTEC

Hole: C0011A

Expedition: 322

Location: Nankai Trough (NW Pacific Ocean)

Latitude: 32° 49.73' N

Longitude: 136° 52.89' E

Logging-while-drilling date: August 26, 2009

Sea floor depth (logger's): 4078 m LRF

Total penetration:  5030 m LRF (952 m LSF)

Total core recovered: None (LWD/MWD used)




MWD/LWD data were acquired by Schlumberger Drilling and Measurements. Depth-shifting was performed by CDEX logging Services. Image processing was carried out at the Borehole Research Group of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in 2011.


Logging Operations Summary

Near the end of Expedition 319, LWD and MWD data were collected in Hole C0011A, though the hole had been originally planned as part of Expedition 322. The MWD/LWD assembly used at Hole C0011A includes TeleScope MWD and geoVISION, which measure various drilling parameters, formation resistivity and gamma ray. Logging operations were uneventful. There were short wiper trips and sweeps to maintain a good borehole and to prevent the MWD/LWD tools from gewtting stuck in the hole.



Depth shift to sea floor. All data were depth shifted to the sea floor (-4078 m).


Environmental corrections. The GR from the geoVISIONtool has been corrected for hole size (bit size), collar size, and type of drilling fluid.


Resistivity data: The geoVISION resistivity is sampled with a 0.03048 m (1.2 in) and 0.1524 m (6 in) sampling rate.

Quality Control

The quality of the resistivity and gamma ray data is generally good. On the other hand the quality of the borehole images acquired with the GVR too are generally poor (see GVR images procesing notes).

This report was prepared at the Borehole Research Group of the Lamont Doherty Earth Oservatory, based on information provided by the logging staff scientists of Expedition 319 and 322. Additional information about the drilling and logging operations can be found in the Operations and Downhole Measurements sections of the expedition reports, Proceedings of the Integrated Drilling Program, Expeditions 319 and 322.



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