LAS Processed Data file index
IODP Expedition 347 - Hole M0064D

The files below are in Log ASCII Standard (LAS) format, can be opened in any text editor, and will be automatically recognized by any geophysical interpretation software.

List of the file names: Delivered Processed Data file dictionary
List of IODP-ESO 347 acronyms

LAS Processed Data files:
Compact Comms Total Gamma Ray Sonde - Compact Array Induction Resistivity Sonde Tool String  (167 KB)
Compact Comms Total Gamma Ray Sonde - Compact Spectral Gamma Sonde Tool String  (177 KB)

Follow the link to any individual file to access it directly, or return to the hole data summary and select the appropriate link to download all the files as a compressed archive (full archive size = 83 KB).