Temperature Data Processing




ODP logging contractor: USIO/LDEO

Hole: U1309D (re-entry hole: previously logged during IODP expeditions 304 and 305)

Expedition: 340T

Location: Atlantis Massif-Mid Atlantic Ridge (central N Atlantic ocean)

Latitude: 30° 10.120' N

Longitude: 42° 7.113' W

Logging date: February 21-26, 2012

Sea floor depth (driller's): 1656 m DRF

Total penetration (IODP expedition 305):  3071.5 m DRF (1415.5 m DSF)

Total core recovered (this expedition): none

Oldest sediment recovered: none

Lithology:  diabase, gabbro, oxide gabbro, dunitic troctolite


Tool Information


In 2005 the Borehole Research Group of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory designed a temperature tool that could acquire data in combination with a Schlumberger tool string or as a stand-alone tool in memory mode. Schlumberger designed and provided the telemetry interface hardware. The tool measures borehole temperature and axial acceleration of the tool string, as well as power supply and reference voltages and internal temperature. The MTT uses low-temperature electronics, housed in a dewar flask to permit use up to 250° C for limited periods of time. A stand-alone MTT can be used in high-temperature conditions in the absence of a high-temperature telelemetry tool string.



Data Processing


The temperature data acquired with the MTT are depth-shifted and depth-matched during the processing of the standard log data. For a complete account, refer to the Standard Data Processing Notes.


Additional information about the drilling and logging operations can be found in the Operations and Downhole Measurements sections of the expedition report, Proceedings of the Integrated Drilling Program, Expedition 340T. For further questions about the logs, please contact:


Cristina Broglia

Phone: 845-365-8343

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Cristina Broglia


Tanzhuo Liu

Phone: 845-365-8630

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Tanzhuo Liu