Magnetic Susceptibility Data


IODP logging contractor: LDEO

Hole: U0060A

Expedition: 344S

Location: Baffin Bay (Labrador Sea)

Latitude: 75°42' 58.3531 N

Longitude: 65°57' 12.1941 W

Logging date: September 27-28, 2012

Sea floor depth (driller's): 592.2 m DRF

Sea floor depth (logger's): 594 m WRF (HRLA/DSI/MSS/EDTC-B/HNGS Uplog)

Total penetration:  239.1 m DRF (831.3 m DSF)

Total core recovered: 62 % of cored section

Oldest sediment recovered: Turonian-Cenomanian

Lithologies: organic-rich carbonaceaous mudstones, siltstones and sandstones, and sandy mudstones.


Tool Description


The Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde (MSS) is a wireline logging tool developed by the Borehole Research Group at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory that measures borehole the magnetic susceptibility at two vertical resolutions and depths of investigation. The tool is designed to be run inline with a Schlumberger tool string or other LDEO-developed tools.


A high-resolution single-coil sensor provides ~12-cm vertical resolution measurements of magnetic susceptibility (HSUS). The sensor was developed by Bartington Instruments Ltd., the company that manufactures the susceptibility loops used on many multi-sensor core loggers. Because this shallow-reading sensor is sensitive to standoff, a bow spring is used to eccentralize the tool and force the sensor against the borehole wall.


A deep-reading dual-coil sensor provides ~36-cm vertical resolution magnetic susceptibility measurement (LSUS). The effect of standoff is much reduced and the data generated by this sensor provide a robust measurement and quality control of the high-resolution readings.


For quality control and environmental correction, the MSS contains a thermistor and accelerometer that measure the internal electronics temperature and z-axis acceleration.

Data Calibration


Two data columns are available for each sensor: raw and calibrated. Raw data are the uncalibrated data (voltage for the deep-reading sensor and frequency for the high-reading sensor), which gives a measure of relative susceptibility. Calibrated data have been converted into SI units by a linear calibration of the raw data values, based on measurements in calibration blocks of known magnetic susceptibility at LDEO. The measurement is also affected by temperature, which varies smoothly as the tool moves in the borehole, but currently is not corrected for. Therefore, when absolute (rather than relative) susceptibility data are required, the logs should be compared to core data from the same site to assess the accuracy of the calibration. During Expedition 344S, only the deep-reading sensor (DR) of the MSS-B was deployed. The susceptibility data are calibrated and converted to SI units.


Data Processing


The magnetic susceptibility data acquired with the MSS are depth-shifted and depth-matched during the processing of the standard log data. For a complete account, refer to the Standard Data Processing notes.


The magnetic susceptibility data of Hole U0060A were processed in October 2022. The raw susceptibility data were retrieved from the conductivity channel, while the raw conductivity data were retrieved from the susceptibility channel. Due to such inconsistencies observed in the data recording, hole-specific corrections had to be applied using MATLAB-based data processing code. Processing consisted of:

(a) uploading the MSS raw data (LCONR and LSUSR channels) into MATLAB
(b) negating both LCONR and LSUSR and then detrending the negated data with a linear-fitted baseline
(c) linearly-scaling the detrended data
(d) comparing the scaled data with core susceptibility data to confirm the contents of the LCONR and LSUSR channels.


The processed MSS data are provided online in ASCII format only, with four data columns: raw conductivity (LCONR), raw susceptibility (LSUSR), calculated susceptibility (CALC_MS), and borehole temperature (TEMP). The calculated susceptibility data for the downlog and uplog generally follow the trend of the core susceptibility data of this hole. The LSUSR-derived conductivity data also resemble the RT_HRLT log-derived conductivity data. The susceptibility data of this hole provided in other formats (DLIS) should not be used for direct comparison.


Additional information about the drilling and logging operations can be found in the Operations and Downhole Measurements sections of the expedition report, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 344S. For further questions about the logs, if the hole is still under moratorium please contact the staff scientist of the expedition.

After the moratorium period, you may direct your questions to:



Tanzhuo Liu

Phone: 845-365-8630

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Tanzhuo Liu


Cristina Broglia

Phone: 845-365-8343

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Cristina Broglia