FMS Images Data file index
IODP Expedition 356 - Hole U1462A

   The files listed here are in grd/netCDF format, a community standard for sharing scientific data, familiar to users of GMT, The General Mapping Tools. They can be opened, analyzed and displayed with GMT, netCDF utilities or other tools.
   The 'straight' version for each pass includes only the data recorded by the tool pads, without taking into account the orientation of the tool, and without the space between the four arms/pads. Hence, they don't provide an image of the borehole wall, but can be used for numerical or statistical analysis. Alternatively, select csv to convert and download the data as a comma-separated values (.csv) file, with three columns: button number, depth and image data. NB: These files are larger than the .grd, and conversion can take some time for deep holes if it was not previously converted.
   See the description of the LogDB grd files for instructions on how to create figures from them.

List of the file names: FMS Images Data file dictionary
List of IODP-USIO acronyms

FMS Images Data files:
FMS Data - Pass 1 - Dynamic Normalization  (132 MB)
FMS Data - Pass 1 - Dynamic Normalization - Straight Unoriented Images  (34 MB)

FMS Data - Pass 1 - Static Normalization  (132 MB)
FMS Data - Pass 1 - Static Normalization - Straight Unoriented Images  (34 MB)

FMS Data - Pass 2 - Dynamic Normalization  (154 MB)
FMS Data - Pass 2 - Dynamic Normalization - Straight Unoriented Images  (40 MB)

FMS Data - Pass 2 - Static Normalization  (154 MB)
FMS Data - Pass 2 - Static Normalization - Straight Unoriented Images  (40 MB)

Follow the link to any individual file to access it directly, or return to the hole data summary and select the appropriate link to download all the files as a compressed archive (full archive size = 131 MB).