VSP SEGY Data file index
IODP Expedition 359 - Hole U1467E

   The files below can only be opened with code or software that can read SEGY data.

List of the file names: VSP data file dictionary
List of IODP-USIO acronyms

VSP SEGY Data files:
VSP SEGY Data - Wavefield - X Axis  (159 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Wavefield - Y Axis  (159 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Wavefield - Z Axis  (159 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Shots - Wavefield - X Axis  (1.1 MB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Shots - Wavefield - Y Axis  (1.1 MB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Shots - Wavefield - Z Axis  (1.1 MB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Shots - Surface  (209 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Stacks - Wavefield - X Axis  (171 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Stacks - Wavefield - Y Axis  (171 KB)
VSP SEGY Data - Raw Stacks - Wavefield - Z Axis  (171 KB)

Follow the link to any individual file to access it directly, or return to the hole data summary and select the appropriate link to download all the files as a compressed archive (full archive size = 4.0 MB).