APS | Accelerator Porosity Sonde |
DIT | Dual Induction Tool |
DLL | Dual Laterolog |
DSI | Dipole Sonic Imager |
EDTC-B | Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge |
EMS | Environment Measurement Sonde |
FMS | Formation MicroScanner |
GPIT | General Purpose Inclinometry Tool |
HLDS | Hostile Environment Lithodensity Sonde |
HNGS | Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Sonde |
HRLA | High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool |
LEH-MT | Logging Equipment Head and Mud Temperature |
MCD | Mechanical Caliper Device |
QAIT | SlimXtreme Array Induction Imager Tool |
SGT | Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool |
SP | Spontaneous Potential |
UBI | Ultrasonic Borehole Imager |
VSI | Versatile Seismic Imager |
WST | Well Seismic Tool |
WST-3 | 3-Component Well Seismic Tool |
ADN | adnVISION Tool |
ARC | arcVISION Tool |
MWD | Measurement-While Drilling |
NMR | proVision Tool (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) |
RAB | Resistivity-at-the-Bit |
MGT | Multisensor Gamma Tool |
MSS | Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde |
MTT | Modular Temperature Tool |
TAP | Temperature-Acceleration-Pressure Tool |
MAGN-GBM | Borehole 3-axis Magnetometer (Univ. of Goettingen) |
DRF | Drilling depth below rig floor (m DRF) |
DSF | Drilling depth below sea floor (m DSF) |
WRF | Wireline log depth below rig floor (m WRF) |
WSF | Wireline log depth below sea floor (m WSF) |
WMSF | Wireline log matched depth below sea floor (m WMSF) |
WSSF | Wireline log speed-corrected depth below sea floor (m WSSF) |
LRF | LWD depth below rig floor (m LRF) |
LSF | LWD depth below sea floor (m LSF) |
CSF | Core depth below rig floor (m CSF) |
CCSF | Core composite depth below sea floor (m CCSF) |
MSL | Mud depth below sea level (m MSL) |
SSF | Seismic depth scale (m SSF) |
AF10 | QAIT Induction Resistivity, 10in investigation depth (Ω.m) |
AF20 | QAIT Induction Resistivity, 20in investigation depth (Ω.m) |
AF30 | QAIT Induction Resistivity, 30in investigation depth (Ω.m) |
AF60 | QAIT Induction Resistivity, 60in investigation depth (Ω.m) |
AF90 | QAIT Induction Resistivity, 90in investigation depth (Ω.m) |
AFEC | APS Far Detector Counts (cps) |
APLC | APS Near/Array Corrected Limestone Porosity (%) |
AMPLITUDE_25 | Lower quartile value of the ultrasonic imager amplitude distribution |
AMPLITUDE_75 | Upper quartile value of the ultrasonic imager amplitude distribution |
AMPLITUDE_MEDIAN | Median value of the ultrasonic imager amplitude distribution |
ANEC | APS Near Detector Counts (cps) |
ANOR | Acceleration Computed Norm (m/s2) |
AX | GPIT Acceleration X Axis (m/s2) |
AY | GPIT Acceleration Y Axis (m/s2) |
AZ | GPIT Acceleration Z Axis (m/s2) |
AZIM | GPIT Constant Azimuth for Deviation Correction (deg) |
BAMN | UBI Amplitude, Minimum Value (in) |
BAMX | UBI Amplitude, Maximum Value (in) |
C1 | FMS Caliper 1 (in) |
C2 | FMS Caliper 2 (in) |
CALI | HLDS/MCD Caliper (in) |
CS | Cable Speed (m/hr) |
DEVI | GPIT Hole Deviation (°) |
DF | Drilling Force (lbf) |
DRH | Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3) |
DT1 | DSI Shear Slowness, Lower Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT1R | DSI Shear Slowness, Receiver Array, Lower Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT1T | DSI Shear Slowness, Transmitter Array, Lower Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT2 | DSI Shear Slowness, Upper Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT2R | DSI Shear Slowness, Receiver Array, Upper Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT2T | DSI Compressional Slowness, Transmitter Array, Upper Dipole (μs/ft) |
DT4P | DSI Compressional Slowness, P&S (μs/ft) |
DT4S | DSI Shear Slowness, P&S (μs/ft) |
DT5 | DSI Compressional Slowness (μs/ft), First Detection Mode |
DTCO | DSI Compressional Slowness (μs/ft) |
DTRP | DSI Compressional Slowness, Receiver Array, P&S (μs/ft) |
DTRS | DSI Shear Slowness, Receiver Array, P&S (μs/ft) |
DTSM | DSI Shear Slowness (μs/ft) |
DTST | DSI Stoneley Slowness(μs/ft) |
DTTP | DSI Compressional Slowness, Transmitter Array, P&S (μs/ft) |
DTTS | DSI Shear Slowness, Transmitter Array, P&S (μs/ft) |
ECGR | SGTE Environmentally Corrected Gamma Ray (API units) |
ECGR | SGTE/EDTC-B Environmentally Corrected Gamma Ray (API units) |
EHGR | SGTE/EDTC-B Environmentally Corrected High Resolution Gamma Ray (API units) |
ETIM | Elapsed Time (sec) |
FINC | GPIT Magnetic Field Inclination (°) |
FNOR | GPIT Magnetic Field Total Moment (oersted) |
FPLC | APS Far Array Corrected Limestone Porosity (%) |
FX | GPIT Magnetic Field on X Axis (oersted) |
FY | GPIT Magnetic Field on Y Axis (oersted) |
FZ | GPIT Magnetic Field on Z Axis (oersted) |
GR | SGTE/EDTC-B Gamma Ray (API units) |
GRC | Borehole-corrected Gamma Ray (API units) |
HALC | APS High Resolution Near/Array Corrected Limestone Porosity (%) |
HAZI | GPIT Hole Azimuth (°) |
HBDC | HLDS High Resolution Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3) |
HBHK | HNGS Borehole Potassium (%) |
HCGR | HNGS Computed Gamma Ray (API units) |
HDEB | HLDS High Resolution Enhanced Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
HFEC | APS High Resolution Far Detector Counts (cps) |
HFK | HNGS Formation Potassium (%) |
HFLC | APS High Resolution Far/Array Limestone Porosity Corrected (%) |
HGR | SGTE/EDTC-B High Resolution Gamma Ray (API units) |
HLCA | HLDS High Resolution Caliper (in ) |
HLEF | HLDS High Resolution Long-spaced Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
HNEC | HLDS High Resolution Near Detector Counts (cps) |
HRHL | HLDS High Resolution Long-spaced Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
HRHS | HLDS High Resolution Short-spaced Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
HROM | HLDS High Resolution Corrected Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
HSGR | HNGS Standard (total) Gamma Ray (API units) |
HSIG | APS High Resolution Formation Capture Cross Section (capture units) |
HSTO | HNGS High Resolution Computed Standoff (in) |
HTHO | HNGS Thorium (ppm) |
HURA | HNGS Uranium (ppm) |
IDPH | DIT Phasor Deep Induction Resistivity (Ω.m) |
IMPH | DIT Phasor Medium Induction Resistivity (Ω.m) |
LCAL | DIT Caliper (in) |
LLD | ARI/DLL Laterolog Deep (Ω.m) |
LLS | ARI/DLL Laterolog Shallow (Ω.m) |
MTEM | LEH-MT Mud Temperature (°C) |
NRHB | HLDS Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
P1AZ | GPIT Pad 1 Azimuth (°) |
PEFL | HLDS Long-spaced Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
RADIUS_25 | UBI Lower quartile value of the borehole radius distribution (in) |
RADIUS_75 | UBI Upper quartile value of the borehole radius distribution (in) |
RADIUS_MEDIAN | UBI Median value of the borehole radius distribution (in) |
RB | GPIT Pad 1 Relative Bearing (°) |
RCAV | UBI Corrected Radius, Average Value (in) |
RCMN | UBI Corrected Radius, Minimum Value (in) |
RCMX | UBI Corrected Radius, Maximum Value (in) |
REMS | EMS Mud Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RHL | HLDS Long-spaced Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
RHOM | HLDS Corrected Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
RHS | HLDS Short-spaced Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
RLA1 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1 (Ω.m) |
RLA2 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2 (Ω.m) |
RLA3 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3 (Ω.m) |
RLA4 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4 (Ω.m) |
RLA5 | HRLA Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5 (Ω.m) |
RM_HRLT | HRLA Computed Mud Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RT_HRLT | HRLA True Formation Resistivity (Ω.m) |
SDEV | Sonde Deviation (°) |
SFLU | DIT Spherically Focused Log (Ω.m) |
SIGF | APS Formation Capture Cross Section (capture units) |
SP | SP Spontaneous Potential (mV) |
STOF | APS Computed Standoff (in) |
TENS | Tension (lb) |
TMP | Mud Temperature (°C) |
V4P | DSI Compressional Velocity, from DT4P (P&S; km/s) |
V4S | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT4S (P&S; km/s) |
V5P | DSI Compressional Velocity (km/s, from DT5) |
VCO | DSI Compressional Velocity (from DTCO, km/s) |
VELP | DSI Compressional Velocity (processed from waveforms; km/s) |
VELS | DSI Shear Velocity (processed from waveforms; km/s) |
VS | DSI Shear Velocity (from DTSM, km/s) |
VS1 | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT1 (Lower Dipole; km/s) |
VS1R | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT1R (Receiver Array, Lower Dipole; km/s) |
VS1T | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT1T (Transmitter Array, Lower Dipole; km/s) |
VS2 | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT2 (Upper Dipole; km/s) |
VS2R | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT2R (Receiver Array, Upper Dipole; km/s) |
VS2T | DSI Shear Velocity, from DT2T (Transmitter Array, Upper Dipole; km/s) |
VST | DSI Stoneley Velocity (from DTST, km/s) |
VSTO | DSI Stoneley Velocity (km/s) |
VRP | DSI Compressional Velocity, from DTRP (Receiver Array, P&S; km/s) |
VRS | DSI Shear Velocity, from DTRS (Receiver Array, P&S; km/s) |
VTP | DSI Compressional Velocity, from DTTP (Transmitter Array, P&S; km/s) |
VTS | DSI Shear Velocity, from DTTS (Transmitter Array, P&S; km/s) |
A16B | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22B | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28B | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34B | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40B | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity Blended, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
A16H | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22H | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28H | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34H | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40H | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
A16L | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
A22L | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
A28L | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
A34L | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
A40L | ARC/ECO Attenuation Resistivity, 400 KHz, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
ADIA | NEO Borehole Diameter, Average (in) |
AGTM | ARC/ECO Gamma Ray Time After Bit (s) |
APRS | ARC Annulus Pressure (psi) |
ARTM | ARC/ECO Resistivity Time After Bit (s) |
ATMP | ARC Annulus Temperature (°C) |
B1TM | GVR Shallow Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
B2TM | GVR Medium Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
B3TM | GVR Deep Resistivity Time after Bit (s) |
BDAV | GVR Deep Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
BFV | NMR Bound Fluid Volume (%) |
BMAV | GVR Medium Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
BPHI | ECO Best Thermal Neutron Porosity, Average (%) |
BSAV | GVR Shallow Resistivity Average (Ω.m) |
CC15 | Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 1 and 5 (in) |
CC26 | Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 2 and 6 (in) |
CC37 | Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 3 and 7 (in) |
CC48 | Ultrasonic Borehole Centered Caliper Along Axis 4 and 8 (in) |
CRPM | EcoScope Collar Rotational Speed (rpm) |
DCAL | ADN/ECO Differential Caliper (in) |
DCAV | ECO/NEO/ADN Density Caliper, Average (in) |
DHAP | ECO Downhole Annulus Pressure (psi) |
DHAT | ECO Downhole Annulus Temperature (°C) |
DPHI | Density Porosity (%) |
DRHO | ADN/ECO Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3) |
DRRT | ADN/ECO Correction for ADN rotational density (g/cm3). |
DTAB | ADN Density Time after Bit (hr) |
DTCO | SONIC Compressional Delta Time, computed downhole (μs/ft) |
DTCU | SONIC Compressional Delta Time, computed uphole (μs/ft) |
DWAL_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Pseudo Aluminum (Walk2 Mode) |
DWCA_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Calcium (Walk2 Mode) |
DWFE_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Iron (Walk2 Mode) |
DWGD_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Gadolinium (Walk2 Mode) |
DWK_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Potassium (Walk2 Mode) |
DWSI_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Silicon (Walk2 Mode) |
DWSU_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Sulfur (Walk2 Mode) |
DWTI_WALK2 | ECO Dry Weight Fraction Titanium (Walk2 Mode) |
ECD | ARC Equivalent Circulating Density (lb/gal) |
FFV | NMR Free Fluid Volume (%) |
GR | ARC/GVR Gamma Ray (API Units) |
GRMA | ECO Gamma Ray, Average (gAPI units) |
GRTK | GVR Gamma Ray Time after Bit (s) |
IDDR | ADN/ECO Image Derived Density Correction (g/cm3). |
IDPE | ADN/ECO Image Derived Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
IDRO | ADN/ECO Image Derived Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
ISTB | SONIC Sonic Time after Bit (hr or min) |
ITT | SONIC Integrated Transit Time (μs) |
KTIM | NMR Timur/Coates Permeability (mD) |
MRP | NMR Magnetic Resonance Porosity (%) |
NTAB | ADN Neutron Time after Bit (hr) |
P16B | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 16 in. (Ω.m) |
P22B | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 22 in. (Ω.m) |
P28B | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 28 in. (Ω.m) |
P34B | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 34 in. (Ω.m) |
P40B | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity Blended, 40 in. (Ω.m) |
P16H | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 16 in (Ω.m) |
P22H | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 22 in (Ω.m) |
P28H | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 28 in (Ω.m) |
P34H | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 34 in (Ω.m) |
P40H | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 2 MHz, 40 in (Ω.m) |
P16L | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 16 in (Ω.m) |
P22L | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 22 in (Ω.m) |
P28L | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 28 in (Ω.m) |
P34L | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 34 in (Ω.m) |
P40L | ARC/ECO Phase Shift Resistivity, 400 KHz, 40 in (Ω.m) |
PEF | ADN/ECO Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-) |
RBIT | GVR Bit Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RBTM | GVR Resistivity Time After Bit (s) |
RES_BD | Deep Button Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RES_BIT | Bit Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RES_BM | Medium Button Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RES_BS | Shallow Button Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RES_RING | Ring Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RING | GVR Ring Resistivity (Ω.m) |
RHOB | ADN/ECO Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
RHON | NEO Bulk Density (g/cm3) |
ROP5 | ADN/ARC/ECO/GVR Rate of Penetration, average over last 5 ft (m/hr) |
RM | Recorded Mode |
RPM | Tool Rotation Speed (rpm) |
RT | Real Time Mode |
RTIM | GVR Ring Resistivity Time after Bit (hr) |
T2 | NMR T2 Distribution (%) |
T2LM | NMR T2 Logarithmic Mean (ms) |
TAB_DEN | ARC/ECO Density Time after Bit (s) |
TAB_NEU | ARC/ECO Neutron Time after Bit (s) |
TNPH | ADN/ECO Thermal Neutron Porosity (%) |
UCAV | ECO/NEO Ultrasonic Caliper, Average (in) |
VCO | SONIC Compressional Velocity (Computed Downhole), from DTCO (km/s) |
VCU | SONIC Compressional Velocity (Computed Uphole), from DTCU (km/s) |
CALC_MS | MSS Calculated Magnetic Susceptibility (approx_SI) |
LCONR | MSS Dual Coil Conductivity, Raw Data (V) |
LSUSR | MSS Deep Dual Coil Susceptibility, Raw Data (V) |
TEMP | MSS Internal Tool Temperature (°C) |
Any missing SLB acronyms could be found at SLB's Curve Mnemonic Dictionary |