Standard Wireline Data Processing
Science operator: Texas A&M University
Hole: U1569A
Expedition: 396
Location: Mimir High (North Eastern Atlantic Ocean)
Latitude: 65° 49.8775' N
Longitude: 2° 1.6081' E
Logging date: August 29, 2021
Sea floor depth (driller's): 2182.4 m DRF
Sea floor depth (logger's): 2183.6 m WRF
Total penetration: 2583.3 m DRF (400.9 m DSF)
Total core recovered: 139.28 m (35.6 % of cored section)
Oldest sediment recovered:
Lithology: Clay with silt.
The logging data
was recorded by Schlumberger in DLIS format. Data were processed at the
Borehole Research Group of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in August 2021.
Tool string | Pass
Top depth (m WMSF) | Bottom depth (m WMSF) | Pipe depth (m WMSF) | Notes |
82 |
Caliper closed. Invalid HLDS. |
82 |
Depth reference. |
In preparation for logging, the hole was displaced with heavy mud. Logging operations in Hole U1569A originally included the MSS/HRLA/HLDS/HNGS and FMS/DSI/GPIT/HNGS tool strings, as well as the VSI/HNGS. The MSS/HRLA/HLDS/HNGS was lowered first and hung up first at 70 m WRF and then again at 1620 and 2005 m WRF and near the near the tip of the drill pipe, possibly due to RST debris. After reaching the open hole section of the hole, the tool string reached a maximum depth of 2311 m WRF ( m WSF), where it got stuck again. Since no progress was made to free the tool string, the shipboard party decided to end the logging operations. The tools returned to the surface without further incidents, after recording a brief section uphole.
The depths in
the table are for the processed logs (after depth shift to the sea floor and depth matching between passes). Generally, discrepancies may exist between the
sea floor depths determined from the downhole logs and those determined by the
drillers from the pipe length. Typical reasons for depth discrepancies are ship
heave, wireline and pipe stretch, tides, and the difficulty of getting an
accurate sea floor from a 'bottom felt' depth in soft sediment.
Depth match and depth shift to sea floor. The original logs were first depth-matched to the gamma ray log from the uplog pass of the MSS/HRLA/HLDS/HNGS tool string. Depth matching is typically done in the following way. One log is chosen as reference (base) log (usually the total gamma ray log from the run with the greatest vertical extent and no sudden changes in cable speed), and then the features in the equivalent logs from the other runs are matched to it in turn. This matching is performed manually. The depth adjustments that were required to bring the match log in line with the base log are then applied to all the other logs from the same tool string.
The depth-matched logs have then been shifted to the sea floor.
Environmental corrections. The HNGS and HRLA data were corrected for hole size during the recording. The drill bit value was used, as no caliper measurement was acquired.
data. No good density data were acquired, as the caliper was closed because the tool string was only one tool string length in the open hole section of the hole.
The quality of
the data is usually assessed by checking against reasonable values for the logged
lithologies, by repeatability between different passes of the same tool, and by
correspondence between logs affected by the same formation property (e.g. the
resistivity log should show similar features to the sonic velocity log).
Gamma ray logs
recorded through bottom hole assembly (BHA) and drill pipe should be used only
qualitatively, because of the attenuation of the incoming signal. The
thick-walled BHA attenuates the signal more than the thinner-walled drill pipe.
The conditions of the hole could not be assessed directly from the caliper measurement, as none was recorded. However, the frequents obstruction encontered during the logging operations indicate that the hole must have been in very poor condition and prone to collapse.
A null value of
-999.25 may replace invalid log values.
Additional information about the drilling and logging operations can be found in the Operations and Downhole Measurements sections of the expedition report, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 396. For further questions about the logs, if the hole is still under moratorium please contact the staff scientist of the expedition.
After the moratorium period you may direct your questions to:
Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia
Tanzhuo Liu
Phone: 845-365-8630
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Tanzhuo Liu