Site:      Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY

Well:    Lamont Test Well 3 (TW-3)

Total depth: 1512 ft (460.86 m)

Casing depth: 23 ft (7 m)

Nominal hole diameter (bit size): 6.25 in.

Logging Date: 2000 (USGS) - 2010 ( USGS) - 2013 (Schlumberger)

Logging Company: USGS/Schlumberger

Sampling interval: 0.00938 ft (0.11256 in) - USGS Tools

Sampling interval: 0.5 ft (6 in) - Schlumberger Tools



General Information

In early 2000 the well TW3 was drilled to a depth of 1000 ft (305 m); the well is about 450 m from TW2 and approximately 150 m higher in elevation. The well penetrated into the Newark Basin sediments below the Palisades dolerite sill. The USGS carried out a set of geophysical measurements, including caliper, natural gamma ray, resistivity, temperature and acoustic and optical borehole televiewer.


In August 2010 the well was deepened from 1000 to 1500 ft (305-457 m) as part of the EPA-funded study 'Diagnostic monitoring of bio-geochemical interactions of a shallow aquifer in response to a carbon dioxide leak'. A set of standard geophysical measurements were carried out by the USGS, including caliper, natural gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, temperature, hole deviation, acoustic and optical borehole televiewer, flowmeter and borehole fluid resistivity.


In October 2013, the well was logged with a set of Schlumberger tools; the measurements included caliper, resistivity, porosity, natural gama ray, velocity, magnetic resonance, lithoscanner, and spontaneous potential.


USGS Tools/Measurements (2000, 2010)

1. Three-Arm Caliper (9074 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Well diameter; caliper run separately - measurements acquired logging up

2. Magnetic Susceptibility (9622 Series), Century Geophysical Corp., dual-focused coils, 1.44 MHz operating frequency - measurements acquired logging up

3. Inclinometer and Magnetometer (9622 Series), Century Geophysical Corp., Slant angle and azimuth, recoded by 2-axis inclinometer and 3-axis magnetometer- m

4. Multifunction Tool (9041 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Ambient temperature, natural gamma ray, shot normal resistivity (16N), long normal resistivity (64N), lateral resistivity (64N/16N), fluid (mud) resistivity, spontaneous potential, single-point resistance - measurements acquired logging down

5. Optical Borehole Televiewer (ALT OBI), Mount Sopris Co. / Borehole Imaging

6. Acoustic Borehole Televiewer (9804 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Borehole Imaging

7. Heat Pulse Flow Meter (HFP-2(4)293, Mount Sopris Co. and Electro Magnetic Flow Meter (9721 Model), Century Geophysical Corp. / Hydrologic testing


The USGS data are available online in LAS format.The depth in the LAS files is given in feet. A null value of -99999.0 may replace invalid log values.

The hydraulic test data are available online in ASCII format.

Both optical and acoustic BHTV are available online in Well CAD format.


Schlumberger Tools/ Measurements (2013)


Tool string
Top depth (ft)
Bottom depth (ft)
Casing at 23 ft
2. Sonic Scanner/PPC-B/GPIT/EDTC-B
Casing at 23 ft
Casing at 23 ft


AIT/APS/SP/EDTC-B - Array Induction Imager/Accelerator Porosity Sonde/ Spontaneous Potential/Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge

Sonic Scanner-B/PPC-B/GPIT/EDTC-B - Multi Mode Array Sonic Service Tool/Po/ning Device and Caliper ToolGeneral Purpose Inclinometry Tool/Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge

CMR/NEXT/EDTC-B - Combinable Magnetic Resonance/Enhanced Digital Telemtry Cartridge


Only the Schlumberger data from the main pass have been converted into ASCII and are included in the online database.

High-resolution data.
The gamma ray (EDTC-B) and neutron porosity (APS) data were acquired at the standard sampling rate (6 in) and in high-resolution mode with a sampling rate of 2 in.

Acoustic data.
The formation slowness was measured with the Sonic Scanner, a multi-mode array sonic tool, which was operated in the following modes:
Far transmitter - Monopole - Low Frequency
Far transmitter - Monopole - Medium Frequency
Lower transmitter - Monopole - Medium Frequency
Upper transmitter - Monopole - Medium Frequency
X- Cross Dipole
Y- Cross Dipole
The sonic velocities were computed from the best compressional (DTCO), shear (DTSM) and Stoneley (DTST) slowness value recorded.

Hole size data.
The hole size was measured by the Powered Positioning Device and Caliper tool (PPC-B), which provides 2 orthogonal measurements in the 5-18 inch range.

Inclinometry data. Due to a software bug in the GeoFrame system it was not possible to convert the inclinoimetry data into an ASCII file.

Borehole televiewer data. Both the acoustic and optical BHTV data are of good quality and are available online.

Hydraulic testing data.
During the hydraulic testing performed in 2010, water was injected into the borehole at the rate of 3 gal/min until a steady-state flow was achieved. The borehole water was continuously monitored with a pressure transducer. Vertical flow rates were measured with a flowmeter before the injection (ambient conditions) and at the end of injection when the steady state was achieved. Two types of vertical flowmeters were deployed: electromagnetic flowmeter (EMFM) and heat-pulse flowmeter (HPFM). The HPFM has higher sensitivity to lower flow rates (0.03-1 gal/m) and was run under ambient conditions and during the injection. In addition, the EMFM was deployed during the injection to measure higher flow rates (sensitivity up to ~10.5 gal/m). Borehole fluid resistivity was measured before, during and at the end of the injection.


A null value of -99999.0 or -999.25 may replace invalid log values in the USGS and Schlumberger data files, respectively.


For further information, please contact:


Natalia Zakharova

Phone: 845-365-8726

Fax: 845-365-3182



Cristina Broglia

Phone: 845-365-8343

Fax: 845-365-3182
