Site: Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory, Palisades, NY
Well: Lamont Test Well 4 (TW-4)
Total depth: 1802 ft
Casing depth (driller): 750 ft
Casing depth (logger): 744 ft (226.8 m )
Nominal hole diameter (bit size): 3.78 in.
Logging date: 10/3/2013 (Schlumberger) - 12/5/2013 (USGS)
Logging company: Schlumberger/USGS
Sampling interval: 0.5 ft (0.1524 m) - Schlumberger
Sampling interval: 0.01 ft (0.003 m) - USGS
Test Well 4 (TW4) was drilled to a total depth of 1802 ft (549.2 m). It penetrated the outcropping Palisades sill (0-695 ft, 0-211.8 m), the Newark basin sediments (695-1711 ft, 211.8-521.5 m)), and the underlying metamorphic basement (1711-1802 ft., 521.5-549.3 m). The shallow part of the hole was cased to 750 ft (228.6 m). A bridge formed soon after drilling in the weathered horizon at the top of the basement and did not allow logging tools to reach the hole total depth.
USGS Tools/Measurements
1. Three-Arm Caliper (9074 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Well diameter; caliper run separately - measurements acquired logging up
2. Magnetic Susceptibility (9622 Series), Century Geophysical Corp., dual-focused coils, 1.44 MHz operating frequency - measurements acquired logging up
3. Inclinometer and Magnetometer (9622 Series), Century Geophysical Corp., Slant angle and azimuth - measurements acquired by 2-axis inclinometer and 3-axis magnetometer
4. Multifunction Tool (9041 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Ambient temperature, natural gamma ray, shot normal resistivity (16N), long normal resistivity (64N), lateral resistivity (64N/16N), fluid (mud) resistivity, spontaneous potential, single-point resistance - measurements acquired logging down.
5. Optical Borehole Televiewer (ALT OBI), Mount Sopris Co. / Borehole Imaging
6. Acoustic Borehole Televiewer (9804 Series), Century Geophysical Corp. / Borehole Imaging
7. Electro Magnetic Flow Meter (9721 Model), Century Geophysical Corp. / Hydrologic testing
The USGS data are available online in LAS format.The depth in the LAS files is given in feet.
The hydraulic test data are available online in ASCII format.
Schlumberger Tools/ Measurements
Tool string | Run
Top depth (ft) |
Bottom depth (ft) |
Notes |
Casing at 744 ft. No sonic waveforms. No density measurement. |
Casing at 744 ft |
Casing at 744 ft. Inelastic/Capture Mode |
ISLT/ILDT/ITGN - iFlex Sonic Logging Tool/iFlex Lithodensity Tool/iFlex Telemetry-Gamma/Neutron Tool
IDFR/ILDT/ITGN - iFlex Induction Dual FormationResistivity Tool/ iFlex Lithodensity Tool/iFlex Telemetry-Gamma/Neutron tool
PSPT/RSTC - Production Services Platform/Reservoir Saturation Pro Tool
Logs such as the gamma ray, recorded in the cased portion of the hole should be used qualitatively only, as the signal from the formation is affected by the presence of casing.
A null value of -999.25 may replace invalid log values.
For further information, please contact:
Natalia Zakharova
Phone: 845-365-8726
Fax: 845-365-3182
Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182