Wireline Standard Data Processing


ODP logging contractor: LDEO-BRG

Well name: 627B

Leg: 101

Location: Bahamas (tropical NW Atlantic)

Latitude: 27° 38.1' N

Longitude: 78° 17.65' W

Logging date: February, 1985

Bottom felt: 1036 mbrf (used for depth shift to sea floor)

Total penetration: 536 mbsf

Total core recovered: 350.3 m (65.4 %)


Logging Runs


Logging string 1: LDT/CNTG/NGT

         No wireline heave compensator was used to counter ship heave. The data was recorded open-hole.




         Depth shift: No differential depth shift was required, as only one logging run was completed. The original logs have been interactively depth shifted to the sea floor (- 1036 m).


         Gamma-ray processing: NGT data have been processed to correct for borehole size and type of drilling fluid.


Quality Control


         During the processing, quality control of the data is mainly performed by cross-correlation of all logging data. Large (>12") and/or irregular borehole affects most recordings, particularly those that require eccentralization (CNTG, HLDT) and a good contact with the borehole wall.


         Additional information about the logs can be found in the "Explanatory Notes" and Site Chapter, ODP IR volume 101. For further questions about the logs, please contact:


Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia