Wireline Standard Data Processing


ODP logging contractor: LDEO-BRG

Hole: 776A

Leg: 124E

Location: Marian Trough (Celebes Sea)

Latitude: 17° 54.40' N

Longitude: 143° 40.95' E

Logging date: February 1-5, 1989

Bottom felt: 4713 mbrf

Total penetration: 532.45 mbsf

Total core recovered:  none


Logging Runs


Hole 776A was drilled for dedicated wireline logging tests, at the same location where DSDP Hole 543 was logged during Leg 60. Among the tests planned at Hole 776A, were the following:

1.     test of the new Schlumberger combination tool string called "quad-combo", which consisted of DIT/HLDT/CNTG/SDT/NGT tools.

2.     test of the new Schlumberger combination tool string called "geochemical", which consisted of the ACT/GST//NGT tools.

3.     calibration, re-evaluation, and upgrading of the LDEO Wireline Heave Compensator (WHC). In previous legs the WHC appeared to overcompensate for shipÕs heave in calm seas. The test was designed to examine the problem and possibly correct it.

4.     further tests of the LDEO magnetic tool (3-axis magnetometer and susceptibility tool).

5.     initial sea trials of the slim version of the Formation Microscanner tool (FMS).


Unfortunately, Hole 776A fell in around the tool string and was lost, along with the bottom hole assembly (BHA) and part of the drill pipe.  Although no logs could be run in the hole, some tests were conducted in the severed drill pipe, which was hanging in open sea water (for a detailed description of the logging operations, refer to pp. 107-109 of the Initial Reports of the ODP, Leg 124E). Because of the fact that the pipe was surrounded by sea water rather than by the formation, the tests were inconclusive with regard to tool performance in open hole. The original data is available online in DLIS format.


Additional information about the logs can be found in the "Explanatory Notes" and Site Chapter, ODP IR volume 124E. For further questions about the logs, please contact:


Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia