HOLE: 859B LEG: 141 LOGGING RUN: WST stations DATE:12/8/91 Sea Floor Depth = 2748.9 mbsl Depth calculated from a depth/pressure table obtained by synchronizing TLT and GLT tool at the bottom of the hole. Bottom Hole Assembly at ~40 mbsf Temperatures at individual stations were calculated by fitting an exponential decay curve to the temperature record at each station. "Most stations were taken on the way up, except the one at 247 mbsf (on the way down)" Depth Tslow (mbsf) (degC) 0 2.20 95 12.66 115 14.26 118 14.40 144 15.91 180 16.79 196 17.46 216 23.05 238 26.32 290 29.51 320 34.47 354 37.52 391 39.78 416 42.79 431 44.16 441 45.70 453 46.83 460 48.47 247 22.40