Wireline Data Processing

ODP logging contractor: LDEO-BRG
Hole: Island Beach
Leg: 150X
Location: Island Beach State Park (New Jersey)
Latitude: 39° 48.2' N
Longitude: 74° 5.6' W
Logging date: May, 1993
Total penetration: 372.8 m
Total core recovered: 3232 m (86.7 %)

Logging Runs

The recordings were performed by BPB Incorporated using slim-hole logging tools; the logs were recorded open hole. The PVC casing shoe was located at 139.3 m.

Logging String 1: Gamma Ray/Dual Laterolog
Logging String 2: Multichannel Sonic
Logging String 3: Gamma Ray/Neutron Porosity
Logging String 4: Gamma Ray/Density/Caliper
Logging String 5: Dipmeter
Logging String 6: Temperature


These data were not recorded with the standard Schlumberger logging tools used in the Ocean Drilling Program. No count rates were recorded which would allow for gamma ray re-processing. Any quantitative comparison of the Island Beach data with Leg 150 offshore data must be made cautiously, because of the different tool responses.

Quality Control

Hole diameter measurements were recorded by the caliper on the density and dipmeter tool strings.

The sonic and density measurements above 139 m were recorded through PVC casing. Because the density tool is a pad device, valid data are recorded only when there is proper contact of the pad with the formation; for this reason, the data in the cased interval are not included in the database. On the other hand, the sonic data from the cased interval are included, though they are affected by the presence of casing. In fact, although the values are not quantitative reliable, the velocity trend seems to reflect well lithologic changes.

Only 60-cm spacing velocity and short-spacing density data are included in the database.

For further questions about the logs, please contact:

Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia