Standard Data file dictionary for ODP Leg 185 - Hole 1149B

185-1149B_aps.dat = Accelerator Porosity Sonde
185-1149B_cali-fms1.dat = Caliper - Formation MicroScanner - Pass 1
185-1149B_cali-fms2.dat = Caliper - Formation MicroScanner - Pass 2
185-1149B_cali-hlds.dat = Caliper - Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde
185-1149B_dit.dat = Dual Induction Tool
185-1149B_gpit1.dat = General Purpose Inclinometer Tool - Pass 1
185-1149B_gpit2.dat = General Purpose Inclinometer Tool - Pass 2
185-1149B_gpit3.dat = General Purpose Inclinometer Tool - Pass 3
185-1149B_hlds.dat = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde
185-1149B_hngs.dat = Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Sonde
185-1149B_misc-dit.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Dual Induction Tool String
185-1149B_misc-fms1.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 1
185-1149B_misc-fms2.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 2
185-1149B_misc-fms3.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 3
185-1149B_misc-gstlm.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Lower Section and Main Pass
185-1149B_misc-gstlr.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Lower Section and Repeat Pass
185-1149B_misc-gstu.dat = Miscellaneous Measurements - Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Upper Section
185-1149B_ngt-fms1.dat = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 1
185-1149B_ngt-fms2.dat = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 2
185-1149B_ngt-fms3.dat = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool - Formation MicroScanner Tool String - Pass 3
185-1149B_ngt-gstlm.dat = Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Lower Section and Main Pass
185-1149B_ngt-gstlr.dat = Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Lower Section and Repeat Pass
185-1149B_ngt-gstu.dat = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool - Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool String - Upper Section
185-1149B_sdt2-ls.dat = Sonic Digital Tool - Pass 2 - Long Spacing
185-1149B_sdt3-ls.dat = Sonic Digital Tool - Pass 3 - Long Spacing