Temperature Data Processing
ODP logging contractor: LDEO-BRG
Hole: 1167A
Leg: 188
Location: Prydz Bay (Antarctic Ocean)
Latitude: 66° 24.0108' S
Longitude: 72° 17.0511' E
Logging date: February 27, 2000
Bottom felt: 1651.3 mbrf
Total penetration: 447.5 mbsf
Total core recovered: 191.33 m
Water Depth: 1649 mbrf
Temperature Tool Used: LDEO-TAP
Depth versus time recording available: YES
Logging string 1: DIT/APS/HLDS/HNGS
The wireline heave compensator was used to
counter ship heave.
The TAP tool acquires borehole temperature,
tool acceleration, and hydrostatic pressure. It may be run in either memory
mode, where the tool is fastened to the bottom of logging string and data is
stored in the on-board memory, or in telemetry mode, where the tool is run
alone and data is recorded in real-time by the third-party data acquisition
system. When the tool is run in memory mode, the stored data is dumped to the
third party data acquisition system upon the tool's return to the rig floor.
Borehole fluid temperature is recorded with
one thermistor located at the bottom of the tool. The internal temperature of
the tool is recorded as well. A pressure transducer is included to turn the
tool on and off at specified depths when used in memory mode. Typically, data
acquisition is programmed to begin 100 m above the seafloor. A 3-axis
accelerometer is also included to measure tool movement down hole. These data
are expected to be instrumental in analyzing the effects of heave on a deployed
tool string which will lead to the fine tuning of the WHC (wireline heave
Drilling and circulation operations
considerably disturb the temperature distribution inside the borehole, thus
preventing equilibrated temperature conditions. The amount of time elapsed
between the end of drilling fluid circulation and the beginning of logging
operations is not long enough to allow the borehole to recover thermally. This
is shown by the offset in the down-going and up-going temperature curves.
During this leg depth versus time data was
recorded on a personal computer (part of the LDEO digital logging data
acquisition system in the ODP Downhole Measurements Laboratory aboard the
JOIDES Resolution), with input from the Schlumberger MAXIS computer. The depths
recorded through this system correspond to the wireline cable length measured
by Schlumberger during the recording of the logging data. These depth data were
merged with the data recorded in memory by the Temperature-Acceleration-Pressure
Tool (TAP) by matching absolute time in the two data sets. The depths in the
processed files are reported in meters below sea floor (mbsf). At each hole,
the constant depth shift applied to the original temperature logs was the same
as that applied to all of the other logs; it is given in meters below rig floor
in the header of the processed file.
Information about the temperature logging
operations can be found in the Site Chapter (Operations, Downhole Measurements,
and Heat Flow sections), ODP IR volume 188.
For further information about the processing,
please contact:
Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia