Wireline Sonic Waveform Data


Science operator: Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Drilling operator: Boart Longyear Drillling Services

Logging operator: Schlumberger, Stoller Inc.

Hole: Wallula-01 Pilot Hole

Location: 20 km SW of Pasco, Western Walla Walla County (Washington State)

Latitude: ~46° N (Section 10, Township, 7 Range 31E)

Longitude: ~119° W

Total penetration: 4110 ft

Logging date: April 18-19, 2009 (Schlumberger)

Elevation (kelly bushing): 5.5 ft

Casing: 20 in. (0-56 ft)

Casing: 14 in. (56-1108 ft)

Casing: 7 in. (1108-2716 ft)

Injection zone: 2716-2910 ft

Cement plug: 2910-4110 ft

Lithology: Basalts (Columbia River Basalt Group, CRBG)




Recording modes: Monopole P&S, upper and lower dipole, and cross-dipole.


Number of columns: 9920 (Cross dipole-Lower and upper dipole)

Number of columns: 6657 (Far monopole)

Number of columns: 26225 (Far monopole-Azimuth)

Number of columns: 3329 (Lower and upper monopole)

Number of columns: 13313 (Lower monopole-Azimuth)


Number of rows: 8017 


The following files have been loaded from SoniScanner/FMI/GPIT/SGT (casing at 1108 ft):


wallula-01_cd_ldip_cl.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_cd_ldip_il.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_cd_udip_cl.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_cd_udip_il.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_far_mono_mf.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_far_mono_mf_azi.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_lower_mono_mf.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_lower_mono_mf_azi.bin: 90-4098 ft

wallula-01_upper_mono_mf.bin: 90-4098 ft

All values are stored as '32 bits IEEE float'.

Any image or signal-processing program should allow to import the files and display the data.


The sonic waveform files are depth-matched to the reference runs. Please refer to the 'depth_matches' folder in the hole index page for the depth-matching values and to the "DEPTH SHIFT" section in the standard processing notes for further information.


NOTE: For users interested in converting the data to a format more suitable for their own purpose, a simple routine to read the binary files would include a couple of basic steps (here in old fashioned fortran 77, but would be similar in matlab or other languages):

The first step is to extract the files dimensions and specification from the header, which is the first record in each file:

  open (1, file = *.bin,access = 'direct', recl = 50) <-- NB:50 is enough to real all fields

  read (1, rec = 1)nz, ns, nrec, ntool, mode, dz, scale, dt

  close (1)

The various fields in the header are:
      - number of depths
      - number of samples per waveform and per receiver
      - number of receivers
      - tool number (0 = DSI; 1 = SonicVISION; 2 = SonicScope; 3 = Sonic Scanner; 4 = XBAT; 5 = MCS; 6 = SDT; 7 = LSS; 8 = SST; 9 = BHC; 10 = QL40; 11 = 2PSA)
      - mode (1 = Lower Dipole, 2 = Upper Dipole, 3 = Stoneley, 4 = Monopole)
      - vertical sampling interval *
      - scaling factor for depth (1.0 = meters; 0.3048 = feet) *
      - waveform sampling rate in microseconds *

All those values are stored as 4 bytes integers, except for the ones marked by an asterisk, stored as 4 bytes IEEE floating point numbers.

Then, if the number of depths, samples per waveform/receiver, and receivers are nz, ns, and nrec, respectively, a command to open the file would be:

  open (1, file = *.bin, access = 'direct', recl = 4*(1 + nrec*ns))

Finally, a generic loop to read the data and store them in an array of dimension nrec × ns × nz would be:

  do k = 1, nz

    read (1, rec = 1+k) depth(k), ((data(i,j,k), j = 1,ns), i = 1,nrec)



Additional information about the Wallula-01 Pilot Hole is available at:






Cristina Broglia

Phone: 845-365-8343

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Cristina Broglia


Gilles Guerin

Phone: 845-365-8671

Fax: 845-365-3182

E-mail: Gilles Guerin