Create a figure of logging data from IODP Expedition 307 - Hole U1318B
(re)display instructions
open a dictionary of the file names/passes
Title of figure:   
Caliper (HLDS, FMS)
caliper file name / pass min. median max. max. for figure track #
10.3 in. 12.6 in. 14.5 in. Bit: in.
Natural Gamma Ray (HNGS, SGT)
total gamma ray file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
9.7 gAPI 47.5 gAPI 74.7 gAPI gAPI gAPI
add NGR multi sensor track data from Site U1318 cores:
match range of NGR data (in c/s) with log data (in gAPI):
potassium file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
0.2 % 0.9 % 1.7 % % %
uranium file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
0 ppm 1.9 ppm 4 ppm ppm ppm
thorium file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
1 ppm 5.4 ppm 10 ppm ppm ppm
Density (HLDS)
density file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
1.6 g/cm3 1.9 g/cm3 2.1 g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
add moisture and density (MAD) data from Site U1318 cores:
Neutron Log (APS)
porosity file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
37 % 62 % 83 % % %
add moisture and density (MAD) data from Site U1318 cores:
Resistivity (DIT)
resistivity file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
0.86 Ω.m 1.2 Ω.m 80 Ω.m Ω.m Ω.m
resistivity data are plotted using a logarithmic scale
Sonic (DSI)
Vp file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
1527 m/s 1673 m/s 2228 m/s m/s m/s
Vs file name / pass min. median max. min. for figure max. for figure track #
259 m/s 369 m/s 680 m/s m/s m/s
FMS images
FMS images pass    [depth range] static dynamic
Plot specifications
Depth limitsDimensions of figure
top depth (mbsf) bottom depth (mbsf) height (in.) width (in.)
set track width instead of plot width
ticks spacing (m) labels spacing (m) labels font size tick length, as fraction of track
Additional options
lines thickness: smoothing window: core recovery data: one header per track:
Name of pdf file (no spaces): .pdf
wait for the figure to open in the right frame - it can take some time, don't click again before completion
access the data from hole U1318B in a separate window
open a list of the acronyms in a separate window
report any bugs/suggestions/questions to gilles guerin
figure generated using GMT (the Generic Mapping Tools) and ImageMagick