
19 Aug Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde (MSS-B)

Description The Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde version B (MSS-B) is a wireline logging tool that measures borehole magnetic susceptibility at two vertical resolutions and depths of investigation. The tool incorporates a single-coil sensor designed to provide high-resolution measurements of magnetic susceptibility. This sensor was developed by Bartington Instruments. The...

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19 Aug Core Barrel Temperature Tool (CB-TT)

Description The Core Barrel Temperature Tool (CB-TT) was developed by the Borehole Research Group in order to assess temperature conditions while drilling and determine if conditions were favorable for subsequent wireline and Logging-While-Drilling operations in hydrothermal environments. Along with the Drill String Acceleration Tool CB-DSA-XM, the...

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19 Aug Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool (NGT*)

Description The Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGT) utilized a sodium-iodide scintillation detector to measure the natural gamma ray radiation of the the three most common components of the naturally occurring radiation: potassium, thorium, and uranium. The high-energy part of the spectrum was divided into three energy windows, each covering...

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19 Aug Versatile Seismic Imager (VSI*)

Description The Versatile Seismic Imager (VSI) represents the latest available technology in the acquisition of seismic waves generated by a seismic source. The VSI employs three-axis single sensor seismic hardware and software and advanced telemetry for efficient transmission of the data from the borehole to the...

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19 Aug Well Seismic Tool (WST*)

Description The WST was a Schlumberger single axis check shot tool used for zero offset vertical seismic profiles (VSP). The WST consisted of a single geophone, pressed against the borehole wall, that was used to record the acoustic waves generated by an air gun located near...

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19 Aug Sonic Digital Tool (SDT*)

Description In fast formations, where shear velocity is faster than the velocity of the drilling fluid, the SDT obtained direct measurements for shear, compressional, and Stoneley wave values. In a slow formation, the SDT obtained real-time measurements of compressional, Stonily, and mud wave velocities. Shear wave values could then be...

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