
19 Aug Wireline Heave Compensator (WHC)

Description The Wireline Heave Compensator (WHC) is an “active” heave compensation system designed to counter the vertical motion (heave) of a ship caused by waves, thus keeping subseafloor logging tools in a fixed position. Such devices are also commonly referred to as Wave Motion Compensators or WMCs. Operationally,...

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19 Aug Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde (MSS-B)

Description The Magnetic Susceptibility Sonde version B (MSS-B) is a wireline logging tool that measures borehole magnetic susceptibility at two vertical resolutions and depths of investigation. The tool incorporates a single-coil sensor designed to provide high-resolution measurements of magnetic susceptibility. This sensor was developed by Bartington Instruments. The...

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19 Aug Core Barrel Temperature Tool (CB-TT)

Description The Core Barrel Temperature Tool (CB-TT) was developed by the Borehole Research Group in order to assess temperature conditions while drilling and determine if conditions were favorable for subsequent wireline and Logging-While-Drilling operations in hydrothermal environments. Along with the Drill String Acceleration Tool CB-DSA-XM, the...

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19 Aug Modular Temperature Tool (MTT)

Description The Modular Temperature Tool (MTT) is a flexible, general-purpose third party temperature logging tool developed by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Borehole Research Group. It replaces two previous temperature logging tools: 1) the Temperature-Acceleration-Pressure probe (TAP), which was limited to temperatures below 85°C and operated only...

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19 Aug Multi-Channel Sonic Log Tool (MCS)

Description Although the standard Schlumberger sonic logs could provide accurate compressional velocities, the additional information from the multi-channel sonic log tool (MCS) enabled determination of the elastic properties of the formation and a qualitative estimate of fracture transmissivity. The MCS was a multi-receiver, single-source sonic logging tool...

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